Dear Misfits,
We met last week to discuss selected Chapters from In the
Light of Christ, Lucy Beckett's remarkable survey of writings in the
Western Tradition. We had decided to read and discuss only selected
portions of the book, namely the Introduction (The Order of Love), Chapter
16 (John Henry Newman and Matthew Arnold), Chapter 17 (G. M. Hopkins and Emily
Dickinson), Chapter 20 (Russia II: The Brothers Karamazov to
Solzhenitsyn), and Chapter 22 (Czeslaw Milosz and Pope John Paul
II). Well, that merely whet our appetite for more Beckett.
This is easy to understand once you begin reading (and rereading) this profound
examination of the impact the Catholic Faith has had on every aspect of Western
Culture. You simply want more of it. Therefore, we have decided to
read the entire survey, beginning to end.

We have already read and discussed Chapter 1, The Order of
Love. We will now read Chapter's 2-5 (pages 1-104) for next month.
I think it will be helpful to continue our discussion of the Introduction
to the book wherein Beckett lays out her thesis that the value of the
truthfulness, beauty, and goodness of the Augustinian Catholic tradition,
is best understood "in relation to the absolute truth, beauty and goodness
that are one in God and that are definitively revealed to the world in
I am personally very excited about reading and discussing
all of this great book with you. I am pleased that we have decided to do
And to remind, our next meeting will be at 7:00 pm,
Wednesday, April 8th, in the St. Thomas More Library, the Church of St.
Michael, Stillwater, MN.
In Joyful expectation of the Risen Christ,
Misfit Buzz
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