Yesterday morning, two of our staff departed Stillwater with a truckload of books, heading toward Kalamazoo, Michigan, where they will be exhibiting at International Congress on Medieval Studies. We hope that if you are there, you'll check out our spot.
There are some books that enter our store, by a variety of means, that really just don't belong here. It's not that we have anything against them, but any way you cut it they just don't fit in. These books, ladies and gentlemen, are Misfits and Stowaways.
Some of these books are of local interest.
Many are about politics.
Others are somewhat obscure.
Some are titles are on perhaps less desirable topics.
In addition, we have books about British monarchs,
British politics & history,
and British shipping.
(There are a lot of books about Germany, too.)
There are books on the history of history,
...and books about books!
Thanks to a recent acquisition, we have a whole lot of great oversized books on art and music.
These books might be misfits in this store, but we hope someday they will find a home where they belong.
Come check it out!
Post scriptum:
It has been brought to the attention of the editor since first publishing this post that "Misfits and Stowaways" is also home to an infamous book entitled: Twelfth Annual Report on Introduction of Domestic Reindeer into Alaska (known as "The Reindeer Report", for short). Please enjoy some sample photographs of this unique and engaging chronicle:
Apparently I fogot to mention "The Reindeer Report".